Finding Faith

I had previously asked myself how people that do not go to church on Sundays cope. I even told my younger sister not up to two months ago that it will be impossible for me to miss a sunday service. Now, the story is different. This is the third sunday and i'm not going anywhere. I'm sitting to wonder how I was always serious with going to church and I always went on time. I have chosen to call it spiritual apathy. Hehehe...... I am laughing right now and shaking my head. This story is typical for every young person that held unto the faith just by the faith of their parents and did not form the faith for themselves. Every time a young person leaves their parent's house for a place of their own. Their faith shakes!...... In school, in the house they in, anywhere it is that they go to that they are not being monitored. Yeah!! Their faih shakes and they begin to look for their faith. It is not the same shaking that applies to everyone. Like James said in the scriptu...