What comes to mind when you see this question, as it is far from being rhetorical? Strangely enough, it might interest you to know that not everyone wants to be a millionaire. But for some it’s a do or die affair, ‘Get Rich or Die Trying ’. Well, I’m a Zillionaire (…lol..billionaire or trillionaire is limiting, that’s what I believe for me ) & its mainly for common good. However, let’s leave the spiritual gymnastics of claiming the Best or mere aspirations and optimism and attempt to address the matter, “Who Wants to be Millionaire?”. Assuming you’re answering in the affirmative, how, when and why do want to be a millionaire? WHY? ; The ‘Why’ is such an important element, that it goes a long way show your desperation; determine the extent one will go in answering the how. It also informs the goal setting approach ,which is the reality of a future trapped down on the paper with specific steps to achieve it within a time bound. WHEN; Your goals must have a d...