Hello Homo, It shouldn’t be surprising that you’d hear from me on this matter, you’ve been on the news so much these days and your gist is rather interesting, not strange, but gives me concern. I recently read someone’s life experience. Nneka had an excellent husband, good father, church worker, very meticulous, a gentleman or so she thought. They’d being married for 3 years, one day Kayode told Nneka he was having an affair. She wanted to pounce or do worse to him or the lady, until she heard it was with another man. Oh No! How do you fight with another man over your husband? I ask you today, do you want to be free? The world in itself has become a mecca of addiction. Addictions have gone beyond alcoholism and substance abuse to addictive lifestyles of corruption, crime, homosexuality, ideological concepts, bestiality, pornography, nudity etc. All of which are dangerous to the health to start with. It’s so intense that very soon people will introduce themsel...