Gossip Incorporated: Tittle-tattle Unlimited

"Ha! Na wa o! Are you serious? How can he be involved in such, and yet he calls himself a Christian? No wonder she was looking like that the other day. Anyway, Don't tell anyone I told you this o, let's just be praying for each other..."...and the gist spreads out of 'concern' for the church. I've always hated been caught or my name mentioned in such gossip gists. Interstingly, quite a number of people 'work' voluntarily for Gossip Incorporated'. They're everywhere, including us. Ehn o! You and I are involved somehow. You will find out soon. So I hear a tale about a friend of mine, I call the friend aside privately and confront them with the 'gist', as there is no smoke without fire, so they can deal with it. Has my strategy been effective? Sometimes. Well, I found it ended the tale but gave me 'enemies'. Not enemies like the devil or boko haram anyway. Lol. The person who brought the information in confidence fee...