Scrolling through cable channels, credits already scrolling to mark the end, my eye suddenly caught the title of the show, 'I am Cait'. I shuddered. What's happening to mankind? As a teenager, I used to imagine who or what I would I have been if I was a male. I imagined the male 'me' a foot taller , ebony black complexion or Caucasian, silky curly black hair, shaped nicely on my face and a complimenting side parting or perhaps a short afro, nerdy glasses, a combination of good looks and brains... chei! man-crush! surely all the ladies would go 'gaga' over me because my 'shakara' (arrogance) would know no bounds After fantasising a while, I'd then laugh hard at myself, thanking God for making me the perfect person I am today, a wonderfully created female. Pride, arrogance, has never done anyone much good, including lucifer. Back in my teens when I had such thoughts, science hadn't done or mentioned transgender possibilities, today...