Stories that Touch

Benny was kind enough to allow me on team TWINKLE, a project to reach out in love to school children in Ajegunle, Lagos. See details below page. While Prepping to counsel, I started thinking of something inspiring to share, something the children could remember and have hope...hope?! I suddenly remembered my mum's story...A truly touching one. My mum came from a poor and divorced home. She didn't start primary school until she had breasts. She was so poor, rags were her sanitary towels, left overs were her 3 course meal, murky was the drinking water, child labour was daily routine, a maid even in her father's house. Mocked, tempted, maltreated,beaten, ridiculed, abandoned and persecuted, she was told to quit school, get a boyfriend and learn a trade, but she had a dream, to be someone, be educated, be important, rise above the mediocrity evident in her family. And she did, for God was with her. Tod...