Public Messing, your new #HealthHero

Have you ever been in a lift or air conditioned car going a long distance and then someone farts (the silent smelly type)? Well, that fart may just be adding more years to on! Wonders shall not cease! This morning my dad wanted to give me something but I was already in the toilet dropping 'it' like it's hot...lolz 😄 My Papa just take cover... lol. I instantly remembered one gist my mum told of a toaster back then. The brother (in good standing) visited my mum's poorly ventilated (#shakingMyHead for greedy #Lagoslandlords ) one room apartment. Only God knows what he ate that day, because all through the visit bros just dey mess (as in gas, fart, pollute air) anyhow. Chei! My mama just prayed he'll leave while pretending to follow the conversation. Next she heard the brother told another person in church, 'oh that sister is very mature...'. Only my mama know say the mess nearly kill So I had planned to write on matu...