Is there any leader out there who can identify with that cold feeling, especially when the chips are down, reality is , that you're alone. Sometimes folks are standing by, yet you feel so alone. Its a weird feeling but its real. You can be loved, respected, successful, and appreciated, but still feel like you're swinging the sword alone. I have e worked with many big men, entrepreneurs, corporate and church leaders etc, and I see this scenario play out many times, no one to trust with your deepest fears, thoughts and worries, its sometimes cold, sad and lonely at the top. As great as #Albert Einstein was, he came to a point when he reiterated, It is strange to be known so universally and yet to be so lonely. . Those moments can be really depressing if not managed properly. So I ask, Is this the scourge of all true leaders? Is it a Leadership condition? Is there a permanent cure, drug or treatment for this? Well, #Dan #Rockwell, the #Leadership #Freak, seems to believe that...