Monteeclairs 1.0 G.I.G - YOU IN YOU

#GIG001 was exciting and enlightening. We asked ourselves fundamental questions , because asking the right questions, gets us right answers and lead to quantum progress. Questions like who am I, where am I going, how do I get there, where do I start, when do I start, what will I be remembered for etc. We told ourselves the danger of not finding YOU IN YOU , which is that we end up Copying, Comparing and Competing. The subject is in exhaustible, feel free to send your questions, comments. Here are few things we’d like you to think about as we look forward to the next edition of Monteeclairs Transformation G.I.G. (September), culled from Who Switched Off your Brain by Dr. Caroline Leaf. Your mind is the most powerful thing in the universe after God. • Free will and choice are real, spiritual, and scientific facts (Deut. 30:19). • Your mind (soul) has one foot in the door of the spirit and one foot in the door of the body; you can change your brain with your min...