Facebook, our Village Square

Facebook reminds me of my village square. Lots of African literature have folktales around the village square and Facebook to me, is our modern village square. The village square was where people gathered after a day’s work to drink palmwine and chat with friends, to patronise the rumour-mill and sneek-a-peek at some wild lady by the corner when the wife’s home. Children sometimes come out to play, share fake stories heard from adults and wild imaginations. The adolescents seeking attention, sharing sweet nothings, sometimes flashing new ornaments which evoke admiration and envy simultaneously, depending on who and who’s watching. The village square was the centre of entertainment, parties and festivals. It’s the place where criminals are tried and sentenced by the people. It’s the place you can say anything and probably get away with it or have the kings guards pick you unceremoniously afterwards. If you lost your fame at the village square you’re doomed, reputation tarnished...