What is the Lifespan of Your Resolution? - by Kalu Kalu Kalu

What is the Lifespan of Your Resolution? - by Kalu Kalu Kalu We wish you a fruitful year ahead. This period lots of people around the world assess their life, taking note of their shortcomings, after which they will come up with resolutions on how they will live in the New Year. Growing up, my father mandates me to write down my new year resolution, and throughout this period my level of seriousness will be at its peak and I will be intentional about my daily activities, the funny part of this story is that as we progress through the first month my level of seriousness begins to dwindle until I forget almost all my resolutions. The reason why this is so, is that I was motivated, but not disciplined. I see resolution as decisions and activities when carried out will help you build a better life. It is believed that the average span of your resolution is 17 days, and for me the reason for this short life span is that the motivation to accomplish it is not drawn fr...