Men are fascinating creatures and I’ve got lots of them (varying breeds) around me (thousands of them I beleive). I’ve been studying them a while now. I admire their courage, dedication to work and family, charisma and their I’ve-got-it-all-under-control-attitude to situations (even when it’s obviously otherwise). It’s amazing how even though their bodies metamorphose, ageing with time, having responsibilities, dependents and expectations increase, THEY EVERLY REMAIN CHILDREN. Please don’t take it the wrong way when I call the ‘men’ ‘boys’, no disrespect intended ; I totally adore your gender, sometimes wishing I was…hehehe. {but thank God I’m not…phew!} Oh!, you don’t believe me. Ok, check this out. Why do men have to get married? Because someone needs to care for them, wash their clothes, ensure they take their bath, do their home-work (regularly given & marked by their boss at job), cook and ensure they feed, monitor, motivate and duplicate them. The aspect that ...