Men are fascinating creatures and I’ve got lots of them (varying breeds) around me (thousands of them I beleive). I’ve been studying them a while now. I admire their courage, dedication to work and family, charisma and their I’ve-got-it-all-under-control-attitude to situations (even when it’s obviously otherwise).
It’s amazing how even though their bodies metamorphose, ageing with time, having responsibilities, dependents and expectations increase, THEY EVERLY REMAIN CHILDREN. Please don’t take it the wrong way when I call the ‘men’ ‘boys’, no disrespect intended ; I totally adore your gender, sometimes wishing I was…hehehe. {but thank God I’m not…phew!}

Oh!, you don’t believe me. Ok, check this out. Why do men have to get married? Because someone needs to care for them, wash their clothes, ensure they take their bath, do their home-work (regularly given & marked by their boss at job), cook and ensure they feed, monitor, motivate and duplicate them.
The aspect that has caught my interest recently and proves beyond all reasonable doubt that all we have are boys = men is this…..wait for it……MEN NEVER OUTGROW TOYS!!!
I see their antenna’s rising in defence, saying to themselves where on earth is she going with all this!
Sitting in their midst, they are already discussing about the latest car, mobile phone, laptop, ipad, action figure in sports, business, movies etc. Then one of them buys something new and shows off (not intentionally…lol) to the guys at church and job.
Picture this guys! Back in the days, remember the toys, bought or improvised, the colourful plastic cars, computer games, soldier mini-dolls, drawings of action figures…etc. don’t you still have them, this time bigger n more expensive ones…we see it everyday in the purchase of a new car, a new phone, new laptop or some gadget. To win the ladies, they invite them to play their ‘toys’…and the circle continues…
an argument has already erupted about women being more childish than men, but hey! Get over it guys, didn’t you buy and show off your new ‘toy’ yesterday…android phones, skin sensitive & fingerprint starting cars, Mac, i-pad, fiancé, new wife, 100” 3D cinema TV
Would i be right to say we're God's favourites , not mere toys but as children, as treasures…remember how the created man in Eden, came down every evening to play with him. Loved man so much even when broken He’d fix us, wrap us, replace broken parts (divine healings).
So to my beautiful men out there, tell me, isn't it true:
1. that you all have one toy or another (gadget or whatever)?
2. that you will always love and will keep getting 'men Toys'?
3. that you care much more for your 'toys' (especially cars) than anything else?
there's no need to be shy, i totally understand {that some will never grow up} -TO BE CONTINUED.
It’s amazing how even though their bodies metamorphose, ageing with time, having responsibilities, dependents and expectations increase, THEY EVERLY REMAIN CHILDREN. Please don’t take it the wrong way when I call the ‘men’ ‘boys’, no disrespect intended ; I totally adore your gender, sometimes wishing I was…hehehe. {but thank God I’m not…phew!}

Oh!, you don’t believe me. Ok, check this out. Why do men have to get married? Because someone needs to care for them, wash their clothes, ensure they take their bath, do their home-work (regularly given & marked by their boss at job), cook and ensure they feed, monitor, motivate and duplicate them.
The aspect that has caught my interest recently and proves beyond all reasonable doubt that all we have are boys = men is this…..wait for it……MEN NEVER OUTGROW TOYS!!!
I see their antenna’s rising in defence, saying to themselves where on earth is she going with all this!
Sitting in their midst, they are already discussing about the latest car, mobile phone, laptop, ipad, action figure in sports, business, movies etc. Then one of them buys something new and shows off (not intentionally…lol) to the guys at church and job.
Picture this guys! Back in the days, remember the toys, bought or improvised, the colourful plastic cars, computer games, soldier mini-dolls, drawings of action figures…etc. don’t you still have them, this time bigger n more expensive ones…we see it everyday in the purchase of a new car, a new phone, new laptop or some gadget. To win the ladies, they invite them to play their ‘toys’…and the circle continues…
an argument has already erupted about women being more childish than men, but hey! Get over it guys, didn’t you buy and show off your new ‘toy’ yesterday…android phones, skin sensitive & fingerprint starting cars, Mac, i-pad, fiancé, new wife, 100” 3D cinema TV
Would i be right to say we're God's favourites , not mere toys but as children, as treasures…remember how the created man in Eden, came down every evening to play with him. Loved man so much even when broken He’d fix us, wrap us, replace broken parts (divine healings).
So to my beautiful men out there, tell me, isn't it true:
1. that you all have one toy or another (gadget or whatever)?
2. that you will always love and will keep getting 'men Toys'?
3. that you care much more for your 'toys' (especially cars) than anything else?
there's no need to be shy, i totally understand {that some will never grow up} -TO BE CONTINUED.
I totally agree with you, "men never grow up"! In a world filled with unlimited access to "toys", as you call them, the first persons (and probably the boldest) to go after them are the men. Not because we are too forward, but its natural for us to go after these things; Men first, then "the girls".
ReplyDeleteLet me also state, as a matter of fact, that you ladies also are attracted to guys with a lot of "toys". Isn't that the basis for your choosing a life partner? Ofcourse, I know its difficult to digest, but its true.
We also thank God your not a "boy", e for too bad! Lolz. In summary, girls like boys with toys.
I can't I love 'toys' (so u no fit catch but Girls might also prefer those who can actually use or even make the toys...meanwhile,I for no too bad as a man ȍ God know best sha
DeleteInteresting post & a more interesting response **thumbs up Anonymous**. & I'll ℓyk 2 add ЪŦ gals do П̥̥̲̣̣̣̥τ̣̣̥ get over their "teddies" too!(Tongue out)
ReplyDeleteI love the part where you included a new wife as a toy....
A man's toy is the signature of his sytle/taste....
TOYS*smh* (I don't wanna grow up)
Have you noticed that everything a "girl" touches becomes expensive? Little wonder our toys are becoming pretty expensive these days. Pls girls, leave our toys alone! TOYS 4 life!
ReplyDeleteHahahhahaha,interesting read!
ReplyDeleteBeryl i second this motion. They re forever babies not boys. From mum taking care n ensuring dey re ok, to wife who cont were she stops. But thank God for this babies...opps