TALES BY MOON OKADA RIDES Mennh! I love bike rides (although my father thinks I’m too ‘queenly’ for it, sometimes I guess dangerous is cool...lol) and they make Lagos-traffic-life a little easier to tolerate. They are like ‘divine interventions’ when you’re super late for that meeting and need to get there in Jet-speed; Or when you get to that neighbourhood where your car is not ‘worthy’ (in your interest) to ride upon; or when you have absolutely no clue as per where you’re going (don’t try this with aboki okada riders)… In times like these and more, only an ‘Okada’ can save the day. Ah! I’ve got a lot of Okada stories to tell, but I’ll gist you a ‘teeny-winny’ bit (till you share yours…hehehe). Despite my love for the jolly rides, okada ‘don show me pepper o’. I usually have chit-chats with my riders and on one of those chatty days, some ‘Despicable-okada-memories came to mind like a flash…couldn’t stop laughing even as I gisted the guy carrying me that afternoon. Enjoy...