Cute looked at his son,Jason, he was helpless. The doctors didn’t seem to have the answers and whatever they were doing didn’t seem to be working, not to mention the nurse (with the angry look) who had been acting busy. Of course all artiste activities, particularly his on-going tour of the country (which had gotten him an international invitation) had to naturally be rescheduled immediately he got wind of the hospitalization. The +Cute Sagay I know, who would take time to dress up (as if living up to his name 'CUTE') ,he would rub white/brown powder and even lip-gloss, was in no mood to even smile nor alert enough to perceive the ‘scent’ from his body & mouth ,having stayed up without changing for 2 days (even he wouldn’t have believed the sight if I’d videoed it…lol) Talk about the Love of a Father! Sadly though all the love he could offer seemed to do no good as he watch his son gradually slip away from earth. Tears filled his eyes, he couldn’t hide his emotion an...