'My Oga at the Top' - Note to the President

i suddenly started seeing blackberry posts, broadcasts and display pictures....one phrase was prevalent, 'My Oga at the Top' ....it was almost annoying getting all the broadcasts until i saw the video which had gone viral....i'm sure you've seen it too.
Despite how much we've seen and criticized this National show of shame, i bet there are some people who didn't know about NSCDC and still don't know the full meaning of 'NSCDC' , Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps nor the culprits name , Commandant Obafaiye Shem
On seeing the video, i laughed, but i suddenly became really sad. Sad because it exposed the deplorable and appalling state of leadership in this country. By the way the Civil Defence is populated with old and retired police men, a few young people who probably couldn't get jobs, go to school or didn't qualify to be in the army (NB: this is purely based on personal observation during a prior stopover at their Alausa office)
I chose to write this article when i started receiving fresh loads of annoying broadcasts telling us to pity the man, stop the ridicule so he won't commit suicide or get a heart attack, because afterall he does have an 'Oga at the Top' ...So What?! i thought #rolling my eyes#
Should we sweep the facts under the carpet? Fact that some persons are not deserving of certain positions especially compared to their counterparts around the world or judging by 'acceptable standards'? Perhaps some senators, governors, agencies & body heads (past ,present & future) should be arraigned for questioning by the 'People' they are meant to serve (those who haven't already received 'ghana-must-go' or 'envelops')
We argued about the matter in my PG class and asked ourselves questions; Did the NSCDC commandant deserve the criticism? Were the presenters deliberately mocking him or was it his over-confidence that drove him to that point? Did the presenters prepare his mind on questions before the interview? How did he get that position? Is NSCDC relevant to our society in the light of already existing police presence? What would you do if you were in his shoes?
As we tried to answer some of these questions, someone quickly asked an English scholar amidst us the name of the Vice Chancellor of the school she recently graduated from. And yes, you guessed right! She stuttered in coughing out a name we are not sure is even authentic. There is none guiltless in this matter of our individual-corporate responsibility.
What is the real problem here I ask? Have we lost our sense of a better-life? Did we even have it? Did ‘more education’ cause this anomaly? What are the teachers passing to the children? Should we arraign the teachers of those teachers? Where did we go wrong? Is it our collective societal predicament , a perpetual negligence for details or the tradition of utter nonchalance, a pure image of suffering and smiling, which only brings to mind the avowal of Late Chinua Achebe- ‘THINGS FALL APART’
To the nation, the Presidents past & present (particularly Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan) I ask this solemn question, ‘WILL THIS EVER CHANGE?’
Notwitstanding ma, i know nd believe dat it will for sure, change someday...