Leonardo da Vinci 8 Power Questions

Many ask and continuously seek their purpose in life knowing that being on this planet is not a mistake. While you search, know that your life matters and there's no fixed formula to finding your place in life, but there's one source, God. Meanwhile, there are guides that could help you make the most of your days on this planet, help you take charge, have dominion and find pleasure under God. One of the guides that could help especially with choosing a career or finding yourself is asking the right questions. Try out Leonardo da Vinci 8 Power Questions and see where it takes you in the quest of #findingSelf. I've answered the questions to act as guide. Act on your assessments later, that's the critical part, faith without works is dead. Cheers! When am I most myself? When I’m sharing knowledge on a life issue that then transforms or moves the next person to another level or peace of mind. e.g. on #Monteeclairs Transformation Initiative or a long call just li...