The documentary, titled Piracy in Nigeria, was done by #Bertrand Monnet, a French academic and film maker. He embarked on the documentary in order to understand why maritime piracy is still on the increase in Nigeria, despite successful international efforts to bring it under control in other parts of the world, including Somalia. The Maritime piracy situation is worrying the global commercial world because, the bulk of items for international trade is transported via the sea, not to mention underwater oil drilling.
Form his encounter with the heavily armed vicious pirate gangs and their local community leaders [all living around the huge offshore oil industry], some realities became apparent to him. One is corruption and that the root cause of maritime piracy is - ‘those who don’t share in the benefits and profits of global trade have fewer reasons to respect the security of those who do’.
The subject of maritime piracy is not news in Nigeria. As expected, the environmental degradation, poverty and effect of ‘exploitation’ and piracy on the people was shown. More important is the impact of piracy on the nation’s economic growth. There are questions on why the golden goose (the Niger-delta community) is not catered for, and fingers have been often pointed to the corruption of indigenous community leaders, national leaders, oil companies and guerrilla entrepreneurs [oil-bunkers]. All of this fuels the Nigerian maritime piracy, more like a cause and effect, a vicious cycle not likely to end soon, especially with hunger and corruption being endemic.
The documentary reveals stark reality of the Niger-delta and Nigeria and the fact that piracy will not end if the people (especially those in that environment) are not benefiting from the oil-rich industry. The people feel exploited hence the revolt by their youths. Some benefits that can placate this include education, vocational empowerment, environmental uplifts, development of efficient infrastructure including schools, hospitals, roads, electricity etc.
The main event for me was the visit of the crew to the black-devils camp. Even though, I knew the Monnet left there alive, it was still scary to watch. The leader of the black-devils alias akru-Omega 5, was clearly vicious, superstitious, suspicious, yet passionate about his men, their families and the community.
The documentary was filmed in Nigeria, with most scenes in Warri and Lagos, emphasizing how abject poverty stands side-by-side with great wealth in one country, arguably the giant of Africa; one city developed off the exploitation of another.
The sound and effects were very apt as the camera also captured pictures and conversations with minimal mediation. The archived Somalia waters videos featured gave a background that strengthened the film maker’s cause. The film editing also took care to protect the identity of several people in the shoot for security reasons [this is laudable]. The questions asked were deep, straight and insightful. The interviews showed the perspective of the indigenes of the community, the rebel leaders and staff of oil companies, all of them feeling like victims pushed to the wall. But who is the real victim?
It’s no surprise but worthy of note that poverty, corruption and exploitation births violence; violence does more harm than good. In spite of the millions of dollars received over the years by the rebels from oil bunkering, kidnaps and other nefarious activities, their villages and communities are not better off. This makes them guilty of the same evil the oil companies and government is accused of.
Still I believe there is hope for the future if the children are invested in. Companies could cut down on CSR in urban areas and move into the waterside communities providing education, healthcare facilities, vocational training and counselling for the next 5 years. This will significantly reduce future recruits for the rebel gangs, not to mention other benefits.
This is partly why Monteeclairs Transformation Initiative is poised to facilitate mind-transformation. If peopel think right, they will do right. And there's a way to know right so as to think right; it involves a relationship with God. We'll be happy to share all info for anyone to make a decision to live right.
Stay free!
Beryl Ehondor
See more on this: http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/peopleandpower/2016/11/piracy-nigeria-161117080711053.html
#Nigerdelta #Piracy #corruption #leadership #savethechildren
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