I was still thinking about the picture when Chidinma walked in looking all-fine, slim & ‘hot’. Even though still slim, she looked a lot better than how she’d been few years back, ‘toothpick’ or ‘I’ like some Nigerian comedians would call a size ‘6’. She had added some flesh in the ‘right’ places, developing what some erroneously refer to as 'Love Handles'.
The term "love handles" actually is a bit of a misnomer. They are really sections of fat on the sides and front of the belly. Love handles are zones of "stubborn fat," the first place people gain it and the last it disappears.
Now you know what love handles are but who appreciates it? Aren’t those with love handles addressed as ‘FAT’ and perhaps ugly? The answer to this reflects in the society’s judgement of ‘slim’ as ‘beautiful’, particularly in fashion pageants. But is slim & trim really the definition of ‘Gorgeous’? I beg to differ!
Before now, I was worrying myself sick to the consternation of my colleagues at job because I was feeling really fat. Most of my clothes were becoming too tight & this didn’t feel cool.
The feeling of being fat also came with accessories. Accessories ranging from depression to low self-esteem, deprivation, unhappiness, degeneration to anti-social status and believe it or not ‘more-eating’ of junk.
My colleagues thought I looked ‘Perfect’. I even got a stare or two even when I wasn’t dressed to impress {blame the love-handles quaking the environment…lol}
But hey! I had to wake up; to speak up if nobody else would. It was time to speak to the ‘Lady in the Mirror’; Yes, Me! My Fine Fat Self! I had to appreciate my body, after-all I am beautifully & wonderfully made according to my maker said.
Heads-up ladies, this is a love note especially for you. The ‘love handles’ may seem out of proportion compared to the norm (i.e. pale looking slim food-deprived model physique), but how about appreciating who you are (or have become)…you never know who might be envious or simply admiring the Love-handles #winks#
So while you do your workouts, sit-ups, regulated diets, stress reduction and even curbing unnecessary shopping, I need you to hold your head up, shoulders high, chest out elegantly and gracefully tell yourself, ‘I am Big, Bountiful, Beautiful & my Love-Handles are just perfect’!!!
Before now, I was worrying myself sick to the consternation of my colleagues at job because I was feeling really fat. Most of my clothes were becoming too tight & this didn’t feel cool.
The feeling of being fat also came with accessories. Accessories ranging from depression to low self-esteem, deprivation, unhappiness, degeneration to anti-social status and believe it or not ‘more-eating’ of junk.
My colleagues thought I looked ‘Perfect’. I even got a stare or two even when I wasn’t dressed to impress {blame the love-handles quaking the environment…lol}
But hey! I had to wake up; to speak up if nobody else would. It was time to speak to the ‘Lady in the Mirror’; Yes, Me! My Fine Fat Self! I had to appreciate my body, after-all I am beautifully & wonderfully made according to my maker said.
Heads-up ladies, this is a love note especially for you. The ‘love handles’ may seem out of proportion compared to the norm (i.e. pale looking slim food-deprived model physique), but how about appreciating who you are (or have become)…you never know who might be envious or simply admiring the Love-handles #winks#
So while you do your workouts, sit-ups, regulated diets, stress reduction and even curbing unnecessary shopping, I need you to hold your head up, shoulders high, chest out elegantly and gracefully tell yourself, ‘I am Big, Bountiful, Beautiful & my Love-Handles are just perfect’!!!
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