
Showing posts from March, 2017

Excerpts - The Tribal Bae - Gig008

Good day friends. This is an excerpt of Monteeclairs Gig 008- THE TRIBAL BAE. Our first facilitator has first-hand experience having married from another tribe. Mr. Peter   (other names withheld) . He has been married for 20years and has 5 children. He worked in the banking industry for over 23 years. Currently he’s an industrialist & financial consultant and business owner. Our second facilitator also had first-hand experience; Mrs. Ify (other names withheld), is a practicing pharmacist who graduated from the University of Lagos. She is happily married with 2 children. Feel to ask more questions or make contribution in the comments section or send a mail to and we will revert as soon as possible

Rapture: Will it happen?

This morning a dear friend and member of the Monteèclairs Transformation Initiative Ambassadors, Christy Hobbs, had a dream about rapture. I could relate because I've had similar encounter,  twice, and it makes you examine your faith and relationship with God. Anyway, this sparked a conversation in the whatsapp group  on what rapture is and if the bible backs it up.  First,  the dream in her own words... "Early hours of this morning (28th March 2017) I dreamt about RAPTURE between the hours of 5AM and 6AM. It was so real. Standing in an open field with some friends waiting for one of us. At a point, we started calling on phone to know the challenge with our friend and the reason for her absenteeism. The feedback we got made us know that our friend is nowhere to be found because rapture has taken place. Peace left the earth. Doom filled the atmosphere. Confusion everywhere as people seek for salvation. People gathered in groups seeking for solution. So many preach...

Depression: The Relative of Suicide

News about town is of a doctor in Lagos who drove to 3rd mainland bridge and jumped in , committing suicide. One of the closest relatives of suicide is DEPRESSION. Many have experienced it at one time or another.  Anyone can experience it. It consists of sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy, feeling low in spirits; dejected. May also be clinical or psychological depression. We all get sad or have "the blues" on occasion. Whether you're sad about your favorite club losing last Sunday, or failing a test, or a rift in a relationship, it might help to know that most people have those feelings at some time or another. If you're experiencing that type of depression, take comfort in knowing that it will likely pass in a relatively short time. In the meantime, keep going to church, praying and reading your Bible (the Psalms can be especially helpful). Do fun things with friends and family; don't spend too much time brooding alone in your bedroom. And talk to someone ...

Is Salary a bribe?

"Salary is the bribe you take to forget your dreams in Life" Someone shared the quote above as a wakeup call and a question came from a respondent ,'So what is a bribe?' According to wordweb dictionary,  it is payment made to a person in a position of trust to corrupt his judgment. A (crime) make illegal payments to in exchange for favours or influence •  I wanna believe that this quote is pro - entrepreneurship,  however I do not agree with it because it is a fallacy. Salary is money paid regularly for doing work . Everyone gets paid including the employer, thats how businesses operate. This quote implies that being unless you're an entrepreneur you are fulfilling your dreams. This is a hasty generalisation because entrepreneurship cannot thrive without employees and salary is the major reward of a business. - the business must pay the owner and staff or it will die. Entrepreneurship is not for everybody. Entrepreneurs cannot survive or grow without  employ...