Rapture: Will it happen?
This morning a dear friend and member of the Monteèclairs Transformation Initiative Ambassadors, Christy Hobbs, had a dream about rapture. I could relate because I've had similar encounter, twice, and it makes you examine your faith and relationship with God. Anyway, this sparked a conversation in the whatsapp group on what rapture is and if the bible backs it up. First, the dream in her own words...
"Early hours of this morning (28th March 2017) I dreamt about RAPTURE between the hours of 5AM and 6AM. It was so real.
Standing in an open field with some friends waiting for one of us. At a point, we started calling on phone to know the challenge with our friend and the reason for her absenteeism. The feedback we got made us know that our friend is nowhere to be found because rapture has taken place.
Peace left the earth. Doom filled the atmosphere. Confusion everywhere as people seek for salvation.
People gathered in groups seeking for solution. So many preachers were not raptured rather they were giving solutions to people how to survive the time since doom is certain. One of the preachers suggested that an image will be made and that people should worship the image the way Christ Jesus is worshiped, by so doing God will consider the left behind but a voice came from the crowd that there is no greater sacrifice than the sacrifice Christ paid for us. It was made known that his sacrifice has a time limit. The time limit is valid till RAPTURE.
Quietly, I withdrew to check myself what led to my left behind. I discovered that I lost faith in God. I relied on my strength rather than God. Subtly self-righteousness prevailed over me. I kept analyzing myself in the dream till I woke behold, it was a dream……hmmmm
Some words kept ringing in my spirit even as I write and it says “By strength shall no man prevail” “Christ is the perfect Sacrifice” “What you do for Christ will last”. Don’t allow anyone to pull you down. There is a time limit on the Sacrifice Christ paid for us. The time limit is rapture.
Friend, having faith alone in God is righteousness no wonder Abraham was tagged God’s friend. I can also relate this to what my pastor said last week, that Christianity is not for the lazy. (Re-phrase= Having faith in God is not for the lazy.) With all diligence, have faith in God.
(NIV) 1 Corinthians 10:12
so, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! There is no time test-run life outside Christ.
Colossians 2:8
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
Salvation Prayer:
Dear Lord Jesus, I come to you just as I am. Please forgive me of all my sins. I believe you died for me. I believe your sacrifice is perfect for me. I accept you as my Lord and my personal Savior. Amen"
What does rapture mean to you ? Share your thoughts with bible backing.
Beryl Ehondor
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