As i
strolled to the bus-stop with two of the Nduaguibe’s one fateful evening after
youth meeting in church, we encountered a police van parked on Western Avenue,
Ojuelegba , with 3 officers (one behind the steering wheel and two on either
side of the front doors).Their black uniforms under darkness formed a perfect
camouflage in collaboration with their dark truck, as they laid in wait for ‘criminals’
# usually traffic offenders#.
As we walked past i hollered, ‘Police!’ ,
and kept walking with a mischief grin on my face. From experience i knew only
two things would happen if i’d waited. One ,i could be ‘interrogated &
possibly detained’ if he was in a foul mood, or the officer would simply go right ahead and
make passes at me after confirming i’m not his ‘sister’...lol.
The guys accompanying me were aghast at
what had just happened. One called me crazy and the other simply ruled out a
dull moment with me around #winks...lol...is he right?#. Then i gave them gist
of one of my many ‘Police Pranks’.
The bus headed to Yaba from Ojuelegba, a
10-15 minutes drive, only to be accosted by our dear friends for ‘tithe’ or
‘Kola’, which by the way has upgraded from #20 to #50 (that’s assuming you
don’t piss any of them off). The conductor was delaying in payments #no change#,
so we were going to be kept longer. I was in a hurry to get home & getting
impatient, suddenly one of the officers walked close to my window (quickly
scanning his name-tag with my eagle eyes, it bore ‘SUNDAY xxxx’, and without a
second thought i started...)
‘Ah! Oga Sunny, good evening sir’, i
greeted. ‘How family? Long time no see o...’. ‘My sister, well done o, they are
fine o, how things ...’, he responded. Next thing, he asked his colleague to
let us go without collecting ‘kola’. The driver couldn’t believe his luck, he
thanked me profusely (although i wished he’d returned my money in appreciation
instead). But the twist in this story is that i had NEVER met that policeman
before then...lol. ‘Abi no be them talk say Police na your friend’...hehehehe
Corruption is termed to be enshrined in
every sphere of our society but that of the Police seems kind of in-our-face,
so i took time to wonder & ponder:
- Are there real Christians amongst Policemen?
- Aren’t all the good ones hushed & kept at the background if not frustrated & dismissed?
- How do the ‘Real’ Christian ones cope in the face of bribery & corruption no longer considered an anomaly?
- Will i find many Policemen in heaven?...i wish you had answers to my throbbing questions.
Finally, i’d like to remind you to pray for the police
today, at least for the few who uphold truth & justice, for the few who
actually do their jobs without fear or favour, for the few that will refuse a
bribe, for the few that will make a mission to impact their colleagues for
right. God bless Nigeria.
Remember, “POLICE NA YOUR FRIEND”. Titus
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